
This page demonstrates how QCircuits can be used to simulate example quantum algorithms.

Producing Bell States

Example code producing each of the four entangled Bell states for a two-qubit system.

The circuit diagram is


where |x⟩ and |y⟩ are each one of the computational basis states, |0⟩ or |1⟩.

E.g., \(|\beta_{00}⟩ = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} (|00⟩ + |11⟩)\).


import qcircuits as qc
from itertools import product

# Creates each of the four Bell states

def bell_state(x, y):
    H = qc.Hadamard()
    CNOT = qc.CNOT()

    phi = qc.bitstring(x, y)
    phi = H(phi, qubit_indices=[0])

    return CNOT(phi)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    for x, y in product([0, 1], repeat=2):

        print('\nInput: {} {}'.format(x, y))
        print('Bell state:')
        print(bell_state(x, y))

Quantum Teleportation



import qcircuits as qc

# Quantum Teleportation: transmitting two classical bits to transport a qubit state
# Alice has a qubit in a given quantum state.
# Alice and Bob have previously prepared a Bell state, and have since
# physically separated the qubits.
# Alice manipulates her hidden qubit and her half of the Bell state, and then
# measures both qubits.
# She sends the result (two classical bits) to Bob, who is able to reconstruct
# Alice's state by applying operators based on the measurement outcomes.

def quantum_teleportation(alice_state):
    # Get operators we will need
    CNOT = qc.CNOT()
    H = qc.Hadamard()
    X = qc.PauliX()
    Z = qc.PauliZ()

    # The prepared, shared Bell state
    bell = qc.bell_state(0, 0)
    # The whole state vector
    state = alice_state * bell

    # Apply CNOT and Hadamard gate
    state = CNOT(state, qubit_indices=[0, 1])
    state = H(state, qubit_indices=[0])

    # Measure the first two bits
    # The only uncollapsed part of the state vector is Bob's
    M1, M2 = state.measure(qubit_indices=[0, 1], remove=True)

    # Apply X and/or Z gates to third qubit depending on measurements
    if M2:
        state = X(state)
    if M1:
        state = Z(state)

    return state

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Alice's original state to be teleported to Bob
    alice = qc.qubit(theta=1.5, phi=0.5, global_phase=0.2)

    # Bob's state after quantum teleportation
    bob = quantum_teleportation(alice)

    print('Original state:', alice)
    print('\nTeleported state:', bob)

Quantum Parallelism



import qcircuits as qc
import numpy as np

# Example of quantum parallelism

# Construct a Boolean function
def construct_problem():
    answers = np.random.randint(0, 2, size=2)

    def f(bit):
        return answers[bit]

    return f

def quantum_parallelism(f):
    U_f = qc.U_f(f, d=2)
    H = qc.Hadamard()

    phi = qc.zeros(2)
    phi = H(phi, qubit_indices=[0])
    phi = U_f(phi)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    f = construct_problem()


Deutsch’s Algorithm



import qcircuits as qc
import numpy as np

# Deutsch's Algorithhm:
# We use interference to determine if f(0) = f(1) using a single function evaluation.

# Construct a Boolean function that is constant or balanced
def construct_problem():
    answers = np.random.randint(0, 2, size=2)

    def f(bit):
        return answers[bit]

    return f

def deutsch_algorithm(f):
    U_f = qc.U_f(f, d=2)
    H = qc.Hadamard()

    phi = H(qc.zeros()) * H(qc.ones())
    phi = U_f(phi)
    phi = H(phi, qubit_indices=[0])

    measurement = phi.measure(qubit_indices=0)
    return measurement

if __name__ == '__main__':
    f = construct_problem()
    parity = f(0) == f(1)

    measurement = deutsch_algorithm(f)

    print('f(0): {}, f(1): {}'.format(f(0), f(1)))
    print('f(0) == f(1): {}'.format(parity))
    print('Measurement: {}'.format(measurement))

The Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm



import qcircuits as qc
import numpy as np
import random

# Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithhm:
# We are presented with a Boolean function that is either constant or
# balanced (i.e., 0 for half of inputs, 1 for the other half).
# We make use of interference to determine whether the function is constant
# or balanced in a single function evaluation.

# Construct a Boolean function that is constant or balanced
def construct_problem(d=1, problem_type='constant'):
    num_inputs = 2**d
    answers = np.zeros(num_inputs, dtype=np.int32)

    if problem_type == 'constant':
        answers[:] = int(np.random.random() < 0.5)
    else: # function is balanced
        indices = np.random.choice(num_inputs, size=num_inputs//2, replace=False)
        answers[indices] = 1

    def f(*bits):
        index = sum(v * 2**i for i, v in enumerate(bits))

        return answers[index]

    return f

def deutsch_jozsa_algorithm(d, f):
    # The operators we will need
    U_f = qc.U_f(f, d=d+1)
    H_d = qc.Hadamard(d)
    H = qc.Hadamard()

    state = qc.zeros(d) * qc.ones(1)
    state = (H_d * H)(state)
    state = U_f(state)
    state = H_d(state, qubit_indices=range(d))

    measurements = state.measure(qubit_indices=range(d))
    return measurements

if __name__ == '__main__':
    d = 10
    problem_type = random.choice(['constant', 'balanced'])

    f = construct_problem(d, problem_type)
    measurements = deutsch_jozsa_algorithm(d, f)

    print('Problem type: {}'.format(problem_type))
    print('Measurement: {}'.format(measurements))
    print('Observed all zeros: {}'.format(not any(measurements)))

Superdense Coding



import qcircuits as qc
import numpy as np

# Superdense Coding: transmitting a qubit to transport two classical bits
# Alice and Bob have previously prepared a Bell state, and have since
# physically separated the qubits.
# Alice has two classical bits she wants to transmit to Bob.
# She manipulates her half of the Bell state depending on the values of those bits,
# then transmits her qubit to Bob, who then measures the system.

def superdense_coding(bit_1, bit_2):
    # Get operators we will need
    CNOT = qc.CNOT()
    H = qc.Hadamard()
    X = qc.PauliX()
    Z = qc.PauliZ()

    # The prepared, shared Bell state
    # Initially, half is in Alice's possession, and half in Bob's
    phi = qc.bell_state(0, 0)

    # Alice manipulates her qubit
    if bit_2:
        phi = X(phi, qubit_indices=[0])
    if bit_1:
        phi = Z(phi, qubit_indices=[0])

    # Bob decodes the two bits
    phi = CNOT(phi)
    phi = H(phi, qubit_indices=[0])
    measurements = phi.measure()
    return measurements

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Alice's classical bits she wants to transmit
    bit_1, bit_2 = np.random.randint(0, 2, size=2)
    # Bob's measurements
    measurements = superdense_coding(bit_1, bit_2)
    print("Alice's initial bits:\t{}, {}".format(bit_1, bit_2))
    print("Bob's measurements:\t{}, {}".format(measurements[0], measurements[1]))

Phase Estimation

We are give a black-box d-qubit operator U and one of its eigenstates. The task is to estimate the phase of the corresponding eigenvalue, storing the result in a t-qubit register.


import qcircuits as qc
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import unitary_group

# Phase estimation
# We are given a black-box unitary operator, and one of its eigenstates.
# The task is to estimate the phase of the corresponding eigenvalue.
# This is done making use of the efficient inverse quantum Fourier transform.

# Prepares a state that when the inverse Fourier transform is applied,
# unpacks the binary fractional expansion of the phase into the
# first t-qubit register.
def stage_1(state, U, t, d):
    state = qc.Hadamard(d=t)(state, qubit_indices=range(t))

    # For each qubit in reverse order, apply the Hadamard gate,
    # then apply U^(2^i) to the d-qubit register
    # conditional on the state of the t-i qubit in the
    # t-qubit register.
    for idx, t_i in enumerate(range(t-1, -1, -1)):
        U_2_idx = U
        for app_i in range(idx):
            U_2_idx = U_2_idx(U_2_idx)
        C_U = qc.ControlledU(U_2_idx)
        state = C_U(
            qubit_indices=[t_i] + list(range(t, t+d, 1))
    return state

# The t-qubit quantum Fourier transform
def QFT(t):
    Op = qc.Identity(t)
    H = qc.Hadamard()

    # The R_k gate applies a 2pi/2^k phase is the qubit is set
    C_Rs = {}
    for k in range(2, t+1, 1):
        R_k = np.exp(np.pi * 1j / 2**k) * qc.RotationZ(2*np.pi / 2**k)
        C_Rs[k] = qc.ControlledU(R_k)

    # For each qubit in order, apply the Hadamard gate, and then
    # apply the R_2, R_3, ... conditional on the remainder of the qubits
    for t_i in range(t):
        Op = H(Op, qubit_indices=[t_i])
        for k in range(2, t+1 - t_i, 1):
            Op = C_Rs[k](Op, qubit_indices=[t_i + k - 1, t_i])

    # We have the QFT, but with the qubits in reverse order
    # Swap them back
    Swap = qc.Swap()
    for i, j in zip(range(t), range(t-1, -1, -1)):
        if i >= j:
        Op = Swap(Op, qubit_indices=[i, j])

    return Op

# The t-qubit inverse quantum Fourier transform
def inv_QFT(t):
    return QFT(t).adj

# Do phase estimation for a random d-qubit operator,
# recording the result in a t-qubit register.
def phase_estimation(d=2, t=8):
    # a d-qubit gate
    U = unitary_group.rvs(2**d)
    eigvals, eigvecs = np.linalg.eig(U)    
    U = qc.Operator.from_matrix(U)
    # an eigenvector u and the phase of its eigenvalue, phi
    phi = np.real(np.log(eigvals[0]) / (2j*np.pi))
    if phi < 0:
        phi += 1
    u = eigvecs[:, 0]
    u = qc.State.from_column_vector(u)
    # add the t-qubit register
    state = qc.zeros(t) * u

    state = stage_1(state, U, t, d)
    state = inv_QFT(t)(state, qubit_indices=range(t))
    measurement = state.measure(qubit_indices=range(t))
    phi_estimate = sum(measurement[i] * 2**(-i-1) for i in range(t))

    return phi, phi_estimate

if __name__ == '__main__':
    phi, phi_estimate = phase_estimation(d=2, t=8)

    print('True phase: {}'.format(phi))
    print('Estimated phase: {}'.format(phi_estimate))

Grover’s Algorithm

We are given a black-box boolean function f(x) that evaluates to 1 for exactly one value of x. Grover’s algorithm finds the solution with resources proportional to the square root of the size of the search space.


import qcircuits as qc
import numpy as np
import random

# Grover's algorithm (search)
# Given a boolean function f, Grover's algorithm finds an x such that
# f(x) = 1.
# If there are N values of x, and M possible solutions, it requires
# O(sqrt(N/M)) time.
# Here, we construct a search problem with 1 solution amongst 1024
# possible answers, and find the solution with 25 applications of
# the Grover iteration operator.

# Construct a Boolean function that is 1 in exactly one place
def construct_problem(d=10):
    num_inputs = 2**d
    answers = np.zeros(num_inputs, dtype=np.int32)
    answers[np.random.randint(0, num_inputs)] = 1

    def f(*bits):
        index = sum(v * 2**i for i, v in enumerate(bits))

        return answers[index]

    return f

def grover_algorithm(d, f):
    # The operators we will need
    Oracle = qc.U_f(f, d=d+1)
    H_d = qc.Hadamard(d)
    H = qc.Hadamard()
    N = 2**d
    zero_projector = np.zeros((N, N))
    zero_projector[0, 0] = 1
    Inversion = H_d((2 * qc.Operator.from_matrix(zero_projector) - qc.Identity(d))(H_d))
    Grover = Inversion(Oracle, qubit_indices=range(d))

    # Initial state
    state = qc.zeros(d) * qc.ones(1)
    state = (H_d * H)(state)

    # Number of Grover iterations
    angle_to_rotate = np.arccos(np.sqrt(1 / N))
    rotation_angle = 2 * np.arcsin(np.sqrt(1 / N))
    iterations = int(round(angle_to_rotate / rotation_angle))
    for i in range(iterations):
        state = Grover(state)

    measurements = state.measure(qubit_indices=range(d))
    return measurements

if __name__ == '__main__':
    d = 10

    f = construct_problem(d)
    bits = grover_algorithm(d, f)

    print('Measurement: {}'.format(bits))
    print('Evaluate f at measurement: {}'.format(f(*bits)))